Grounding Journey

An interactive online course designed to ground individuals in their natural strength and intuition.

In this course, you’ll learn about Canon’s nature-inspired approach to building greater self-trust and freedom in your innate strength. This journey includes revealing and exploring your natural strengths with a guide and robust resources to support engaging the natural power within.

“Thank you for reconnecting me with the rest of me. I had been adrift but am now feeling both a bearing and wind in my sails for the first time in too long.”

Organizational Leader

An Introduction

Meet Christine and Canon’s unique approach to cultivating human strength and ingenuity. Learn why we’ve embraced this nature-inspiration as part of our core ethos.

Course Overview

Module I

  • In this module, meet Christine and our nature-inspired approach. You will also learn more about the history and science behind our tool before being invited to complete the CliftonStrengths survey and reserve your Spark Sessions.

Module II

  • This module introduces 7 practices to empower and sustain strength in addition to a robust self-guided workbook and e-series to develop personalized practices.

Module III

  • This module contains three lessons to delve into our nature-inspired framework in addition to multiple exercises to integrate the learning into your daily experience. You will learn how nature shows us the way to surviving and thriving, develop highly personalized strategies to navigate resistance in work and life, and glimpse into the wonder of uniting your natural strength with others in partnership and collaboration.

Module IV

  • This module concludes your Grounding Journey and opens pathways to further cultivate strength.